Refund/Return Policy

Refunds and returns will only be accepted if the order is incorrect or there is a manufacturing defect.

If you receive a defective or incorrect order please reach out via email. Contact with the customer will not be acknowledged If an email regarding the order is not found addressed to Instagram dm is not a form of contact regarding order status or support.

we reserve the right to deny refund/return requests if they do not meet the criteria of the policy. 

If you initiate a charge back before contacting (38TH LLC) it will be considered a false charge back and we retain the right to dismiss the chargeback. 

The customer accepts the legal terms of service by ordering from 38th LLC.

please allow 24-48 hours for us to respond and reach back out with support requests, returns and refunds are only accepted 3 days after the item has been delivered to the customer and must retain original packaging and be free from odor or signs of wear. If the garment is returned washed the return will not be valid.